With the recent developments in MARPOL Chapter 4, Annex VI and NYK ESG policy ”Target of zero GHG emissions from ocean shipping by 2050 “, NYK SHIPMANAGEMENT PTE LTD (NYKSM) conducted a webinar about Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP) I, II & III, Energy Efficiency Existing Ship Index (EEXI)/ Engine power limitation (EPL) & Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII) to create awareness for compliance and enhance energy efficiency of vessels by diligent operational measures onboard.
A presentation on SIRE 2.0 for Tankers, LPG, and LNG staff was also a part of the webinar, outlining the methodology of Vetting Inspections and expectations from vessels.
Various webinars were conducted with all our seafaring staff who were on leave in India, Bangladesh, Philippines, Myanmar, Indonesia, Vietnam, and Taiwan on 11th,12th& 13th Jan 2023.
The presentation was part of the physical seminar at Officer’s Dialogue held in Croatia and Romania in Jan 2023.
Webinar is being conducted with all vessels using Teams since 3rd week of Dec 2022.
*1: Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan. A plan developed by ship (Owners/Managers) to establish a mechanism with procedures and targets to enhance energy efficiency by operational measures and manage their environmental performance.
*2: Energy Efficiency Existing Ship Index. It is CO2 emission index for all existing vessels for compliance from the 1st IAPP survey in 2023.
*3: Engine power limitation. A semi-permanent, overridable limit on a ship's maximum power to comply with EEXI regulations as applicable to reduce CO2 emissions.
*4: The Carbon Intensity Indicator. Ratings issued to vessels based on annual CO2 emission results to promote CO2 reduction improvements in stages.
